1A.M. Best has 13 active-company insurance company ratings and reflect the current and independent opinion of a company's ability to meet its obligations to policyholders, and are derived by evaluating a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. The A.M. Best rating scale is A++ (Superior), A+ (Superior), A (Excellent), A-(Excellent), B++ (Very Good), B+ (Very Good), B (Adequate), B-(Adequate), C++ (Fair), C+ (Fair), C (Marginal), C-(Marginal) and D (Poor). A.M. Best's ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet obligations to policyholders, nor are they a recommendation of a specific policy, contract, rate or claim practice.
We’re proud to be named by Forbes in their “America’s Best Insurance Companies” ranking for the fourth consecutive year. More than 18,000 consumers across the United States participated in a survey evaluating insurance companies. Of the 3,100 providers evaluated, we’re one of 97 companies to have been named on the list.
The survey considered customers’ overall recommendation, their general satisfaction, loyalty and six subdimensions, including financial advice, customer service, price/performance ratio, transparency, digital services and damage/benefit ratio.
We Rank in 3 Categories:
- #17 Auto
- #21 Permanent Life
- #22 Homeowners
Ward’s 50
Ward’s 50 qualifying companies are selected for outstanding financial results in the areas of safety, consistency and performance over a five-year period. Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company has been named to the Life-Health Ward’s 50® list of top-performing companies 25 times since 1991, most recently in 2024. Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Insurance Company was recognized on the Property-Casualty Ward’s 50® list 9 years in a row, most recently in 2023.
A.M. Best
A.M. Best ratings for insurance companies range from “A++” to “S.” A.M. Best indicates that A and A- (Excellent) ratings are assigned to those companies that, in A.M. Best’s opinion, have an excellent ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders. Our companies have been rated by A.M. Best Company, Inc. (“A.M. Best”)1 for more than 50 years and have consistently earned Excellent ratings.
Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Group is among an elite group of insurers recognized by A.M. Best Review for consistently maintaining an A.M. Best Rating of A or higher for more than 75 years.
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