Is it Time to Go Hybrid or Electric?

The high-level difference between electric and hybrid vehicles is simple. Electric cars rely entirely on electricity to run whereas hybrid vehicles run on a combination of gas fuel and electricity.
Environmentally Friendly – Although hybrid vehicles (HEV) run on both a combination of gas fuel and electricity, they’re still environmentally friendly as they’re able to run on only electric energy for shorter trips, releasing fewer emissions when compared to gasoline fueled vehicles.
Fuel Efficient – Hybrid vehicles are known for their fuel efficiency because they have two fuel sources. On average, it’s typical to get anywhere from 48 to 60 mpg — a 20-35% improvement over fuel-efficient, gasoline powered vehicles, according to Philip Dunn with
Fuel Up Anywhere – One of the best things about having a hybrid vehicle is not having to worry about where the next electrical charging station is. By running on both fuel types, you’re able to stop at any gas station on your road trip and don’t have to wait for you vehicle to charge up. This gives you the opportunity to pick and choose which energy source you use depending on your agenda and travel plans.
High Cost – Although hybrid vehicles are typically cheaper than all-electric vehicles, they’re still more expensive in comparison to a standard gasoline operated vehicle.
Produces Emissions – While a hybrid vehicle reduces the amount of emissions produced, you are frequently using gas to operate your vehicle so there are still emissions being produced.
Performance – If power is on your list of “wants” for a new vehicle, a hybrid vehicle may not be your top choice. Hybrid vehicles operate at a lower horsepower when in the electric-only mode.
Federal Tax Credit – When you purchase an all-electric vehicle, you are qualified to receive up to $7,500 in federal tax credit. Simply review the IRS’ page and click on which manufacturer your vehicle is from, or you are considering to purchase from, to view what amount you qualify for.
Reduced Carbon Footprint – If you’re trying to cut down on your carbon footprint, an all-electric vehicle may be the right choice for you. Electric cars release zero greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 as they only rely on renewable energy sources to operate.
Charge Up at Home – No need to stop at the gas station on your way to work. With an electric vehicle you’re able to charge up each night at home by simply plugging your vehicle in.
Charging Stations – Depending on where you live or where you’re traveling, there may not be many public charging stations available. In addition to this, it takes longer to charge a vehicle versus fueling up with gasoline.
High Cost – Although you’ll be saving money on gas, the cost of electric vehicles can be high upfront in comparison to fuel-powered vehicles.
You Can’t Go Far – The most talked about downside with electric vehicles is often that you can’t travel as far on a full charge as you could on a full tank of gas. Couple that with long charge times and this may turn certain prospects away, especially if you live in a rural area.
Deciding to go hybrid or electric depends on your driving needs. If you live in a city, you will have shorter distances to travel and likely more charging stations available. If you’re in a rural area, a hybrid option may be a better fit. Is an electric car worth it? Consider both your location and budget when making your purchasing decision.
Regardless of whether you get a hybrid or electric car, you’ll need auto insurance. Connect with a local Farm Bureau agent today to learn how we can help.