Spring Cleaning: Barns and Outbuildings

Cleaning your barn or ranch building is more than just clearing the aisles and mucking out the stalls — it’s key to keeping your animals and yourself safe. A tidy barn means fewer pests, fewer allergies and fewer accidents.
Before you get into the thick of planting season, take a weekend (or two) to spring clean with these three barn cleaning tips. And a bonus: You might’ve already checked a few off your list if you took advantage of your winter off-season.
Let’s start with the actual cleaning. But how exactly do you disinfect a barn? Tackle these eight barn cleaning tips to keep your horses happy and healthy. As you follow along, note any safety hazards that need to be fixed, like electrical wires, broken boards and exposed nails.
As you cleaned and sanitized the barn, you probably started a sizable trash pile. Go through your equipment, tools, supplies and grooming materials with a fine-tooth comb. Do you have unnecessary duplicates, broken “spare” parts or tattered blankets galore? It’s easy to stash things away with good intentions but be honest with yourself about what you will actually use or fix.
A good declutter will give you a better handle on your space. What needs a new storage solution? What could be better located? What are you missing? Answering these questions can help you reorganize your barn or outbuilding. Here are some ideas:
Whether you’ve inherited an old barn or you own a thriving ranch, safety should always be top of mind. Use this dedicated cleaning time to knock out those important barn care and maintenance chores you’ve possibly put off.
With a clean slate, you are now ready to tackle the busy season. Review your farm insurance coverage to make sure your barn and outbuildings are properly protected.